My Neighors' Cat

Zoey is my neighbors' cat. She comes in my pet door and stays. My neighbors get upset when she doesn't come home. They want me to run her out, but she doesn't go home anyway. She stands outside looking in here, so this is the Saga of Zoey the Cat that won't go home, and my relationship to her family.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Zoey's All Nighter

I closed the pet door behind Zoey when she went out about 6 pm and kept Cinny indoors all night, so Zoey would go home. However she was back here when I returned to work next day looking kind of tired. I think she was out all night as I doubt her masters would have let her out again so soon if she had gone home. I wrote letter to her master but haven't sent it yet, may review for editing. I don't want to insult her but something has to be worked out. I said in letter I think she should try giving him some dinner meat every night so she has something to look forward to. I don't give him that kind of food here, so I think that might work. I didn't sleep as well as I've been sleeping when Cinny is out, so perhaps Cinny cried in basement wanting to get out. No way to know.


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